
Thanks to modern medicine, this blog will not die of childbirth fever.

I’m a law student still slightly contemplating the pros and cons of private practice vs. a life of crafting.

wollstoneCRAFT is an effort to get more serious about it.  University, I find, has had a stagnating effect on my creativity and crafting ethic, if only because it takes up the better part of my time.  This blog will be motivation to be creative more regularly (weekly? biweekly?), to finish projects that have been started, and to serve as a hub for the items I have for sale! Please see the gallery for an up-to-date inventory of my present collection.

If you’ve met me at a recent craft fair or are just dropping in, please feel free to email any orders, requests or other inquiries to wollstonecrafty at gmail dot com.


3 responses to “About

  1. Courtney

    You are fabulous.

  2. Rob Curley

    Hey, it’s the guy that broke a cufflink last night! I was wondering if you had pictures of all of them? I think I’d like to get some.

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